Taylor Mitchell

Taylor Mitchell is an incoming PhD student (2024) in sociocultural anthropology at Columbia University.

She also writes fiction and essays. She was the 2023 Kat Muscat Fellow and is a 2024 resident at the Moonee Valley Libraries Writing Room.

E: taylor(dot)m(dot)a (dot)mitchell(at)gmail(dot)com

Making Migrants Disappear’, 2023:
essay for The Baffler

The party for Crabs’, 2022: fiction published in Griffith Review

Feeling Through Blue’, 2022: fiction published in Overland, shortlisted in the 2021 Southern Cross Short Story Competition

The pseudo-sustainability
of speculative aesthetics
’, 2022:
essay for Overland

The discomfort of everything’, 2022: screening for Dogmilk Films  

It would be a nice place’, 2022:  exhibition for Environmental Film
Festival Australia X SEVENTH Gallery
︎︎︎Arts program manager

MAKESHIFT, 2021: exhibition for Environmental Film Festival Australia X RMIT 
︎︎︎Arts Program Manager

‘Future-oriented-futures’, 2024: item for Chair of Digital Cultures, TU Dresden’s Energy Transition Inventory

Mitchell, T. M. (2023). Surviving the Ordinary: Telling Stories of Endurance under Capitalism Detached from Neoliberal Narrativity. Cultural Politics 19(2).

enduring environments’, 2023: research project and virtual exhibition as part of Australian Environments on Screen
︎︎︎ Researcher

‘It would be a nice place’ with works by Tributaries (left) and Dean Cross (right): photo by Lucy Foster